Friday, December 27, 2019
Letter From Jesus - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 667 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Jesus Christ Essay Did you like this example? Dear Child of God. . . Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Letter From Jesus" essay for you Create order I wanted to let you know how much I think about you. . . It started a very long time ago. . . I am sure that you have heard part of the story. On a cool dark night, I prayed in the Garden. The fragrance of the ancient olive trees was thick as I talked with the Father. My heart was beating intensely, and drops of blood fell as sweat from my forehead. I knew what was coming, and what I must do. So. . . I kept my focus on you. The disciples slept nearby as I submitted to the will of the Father. Soon, the sound of chains broke the stillness of the night, and I knew the angry mob was coming for me. When they led me away, those that called me friend fled and I was alone. I thought about the day when you and I would be spending time together. Later, I was beaten. . . I hummed your name softly all night. The next day I was led to the judgment hall, to face Pilate. Accusations came from every side. They just did not understand . . . but my work was almost complete. In the Spirit, I saw your s mile and kept silent. Then I was led to be scourged. There were many soldiers who did this. They took turns like children playing a game, laughing loudly. And I forgave them. With each blow of the whip, my flesh screamed, ripping apart in agony . . . pain soared through my weakening body. Several times, I almost lost consciousness, I spoke your name for each stripe and my Spirit was strengthened. I stood before the people, humiliated, my heart was broken. . . Crucify! Crucify! They yelled over and over. Blood streamed down my face from the crown of thorns that had been pushed into my skull. I knew I had been born for this. It had to be done, it had to be done, for you. Yes, they betrayed me, but I knew one day you wouldnt. The weight of that cross was unbearable and I struggled. I remember the day the Father planted the tree from which it came. The crowd had grown large as I was led out. They taunted and cursed me each step of the way. Occasionally, a cry or whimper of love broke through from those who had cared for me. The Father whispered your name in my ear and I found strength. About halfway there, I buckled, staggered and started falling. Immediately . . . someone stepped in to help carry my cross, just as I will always be there to help carry your burdenIf you wi ll let me? There is almost no way I can describe to you the depth of pain one feels as nails are driven into flesh and bone. The closet thing I can think of is how the Father feels when His children turn away from his love. Oh, that I might spare Him this pain! The morning sun soon gave way to the darkness of sin that was laid upon me as I hung on that cross for the world. Death was dawning . . . blood slowly drained from my body, spilling on to the earth below. I looked out over the crowd, through the distance of time and I saw the Light of the Father in your eyes. I knew that I had made the right choice. It was then I gave in to death, so that you might have life. I often talk to the Father about you and can barely contain my excitement . . . for I know the day of your surrender is near. I have waited a long time for us to be together. Now, I hope you will know how much I think of you. So when the world is against you, and those closest cant be found, remember that I am here and I will get you through . . . just as once upon a time, you got Me through. Oh! That I might win your heart! Love,JESUS
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Summary Of Nothing Happened - 964 Words
When reading Chan’s short story ‘Nothing Happened’, I notice an intriguing detail, which is that the protagonist of this story, Zhang Dezhi, an investment manager working all around the world, has a same name as his father, a businessman fleeing to Hong Kong after 1949. What is the significance of this detail of patronymic? Is it a symbol of the similarity of the father and son? In my view, it is a symbol of the repetition rather than the similarity of this two generations living in Hong Kong, a colonial city without history. Both generations live in this city with the desire of capital and without any disturbance of politics. As the protagonist signs: â€Å"We seem to live in the last chapter of history, the end of ideological contest, and what else could happen?†(Chen: 137). However, How does this experience of repetitive history, or stagnant history, provide a temporal thread for this story? Through reading, I found that there are two temporal threads in the mind of protagonist, which are convolutedly twined, and along both threads Dezhi construct his memory and experience. First, there is a thread of the global capitalist system, in which Hong Kong is the starting point. On this thread, like Dezhi says: â€Å"My life is filled with all kinds of trifles and not bothered by history or state†(Chen: 41), or as he concluded his experience in Africa: â€Å"You need to see and act selectively. If you just see around randomly, you would find miseries around you and get panic. You need learnShow MoreRelatedOutline Informative Speech1491 Words  | 6 Pagessomething happened to me, I feel like I ever seen something but I don’t know when it was or where it was. And I also feel like I’ve been somewhere but I don’t know when it was. It’s only like I ever do that but I unable to really remember when and how the earlier experience occured in det ail. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Black Liberation Essay Research Paper The African free essay sample
Black Liberation Essay, Research Paper The African American Representation in the Media and the Impression it leaves on Black Children Young kids are extremely waxy. Children expression at their function theoretical accounts such as their parents/guardians to steer them into being responsible, difficult working, observant citizens. Children normally view their parents/guardians as their primary representation of their civilization. Small boys admire their male parents as a strong and influential presence, which they want, emulates. Harmonizing to Sigmund Freud? s Oedipal struggle, male childs desire their female parent and contemn their male parent. ? The male child views the male parent as a challengers and keep a secret want to kill him. However they view their male parent as almighty, this takes the signifier of emasculation anxiousness. In order to get the better of this they begin to place with their male parent, trying to be as similar to their male parent as possible ( Feldman, Robert S. , 1998, p.228 ) . Small girls emulate their female parents who they ( small misss ) believe are difficult working, organized, and stylish. ? Girls, harmonizing to Freud travel through a similar procedure. They begin to experience sexual attractive force toward their male parents and experience phallus enviousness, which is the same as the Oedipal struggle ( merely with misss ) ( Feldman, 1998, p.288 ) . In today? s society this has changed kids seldom look to their parents/guardians as their primary illustration of what they would wish to be when they reach their age. ? Piaget suggests that the growing in kids? s apprehension of their universe can be explained by two basic principals, assimilation and adjustment. Assimilation is the procedure in footings of their apprehension in footings of their cognitive development and manner of thought. In contrast adjustment refers to their current phase of cognitive development and manner of thought ( Feldman, 1998, p. 24 ) . Therefore alterna tively of kids sing their parents as their primary representation towards the media. The media becomes their instructor and ushers of who they want to be in life. Unfortunately, kids are led astray by these images in which they view and hold as a premier illustration. One such group, which is lead astray by the representation of their group, is African Americans. The African American group is represented in a negative mode and this representation has a negative to even a damaging influence on kids who view changeless images of their group being associated with violent behaviours, images/ideas of being inferior to Caucasians, and being predestined to a life of poorness. These highly negative images are everyplace from telecasting to printed media. This newsman will discourse The Radical School of Black Psychology and its theory being a good solution to the African American representation in the media. The newsman will besides discourse the changeless images presented to African Ameri can kids and the theoretical alleviation found in the extremist school. ? Every four hours a black kid is murdered in the United States, says Glenda Hatchett, head presiding justice of the Fulton Country Juvenile Court in Atlanta? ( Kinnon, 1999, p.126 ) . Besides, ? 46 per centum of juveniles in correctional installations are black, harmonizing to a survey by the United States Justice Departments office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention? ( Kinnon ) . The research shows this per centum of kids is outrageously high since Kinnon provinces Black kids make up merely 15 per centum of Americans? youth population. These statistics suggest some force affects African American kids. The force is idealized and held as a primary beginning in the cognitive thought of black kids. The Rev. Jessie L. Jackson says, ? violent films, violent picture games, and violent music which say it is copying world when in fact it is making world ( Kinnon ) . Black Children are listening to violent m usic from creative persons such as? Ill-famed B.I.G. ? ? TUPAC? , and? ONYX? . African American kids believe they can place with the wordss ( wordss of sex, drugs, and force ) these creative persons provide because they are Black. African American kids believe since these creative persons are black they know precisely what black kids are sing in their lives. However, this is unhappily non the instance because non all Black kids experience sex, drugs, and force in their environment. Besides these images should non be glorified for those Black kids who experience them ( sex, drugs and force ) . These images depicted on telecasting, heard in music, viewed in magazines, newspapers, and films all have negative permanent feelings on African American kids. A 12-year-old kid in Michigan was charged for slaying and a 9-year-old Child in California was charged for second-degree slaying. Both kids are being charged as grownups for these offenses. The sad fact of these narratives are immature B lack kids are killing other kids. These kids who are perpetrating these offenses do non recognize the badness of their action. For a kid to rally adequate bravery in drawing a trigger of a gun and badly harming another kid is proof that Black kids are being desensitized to the force around them by civilization they view in the media. ? Young people wear? t to the full understand what it is they are making, ? says, Dr. Robert Newly, professor and chair of Central Michigan University? sociology anthropology and societal work section. ? It seems to be a Hollywood book as opposed to existent life? ( Kinnon ) . Children feel that harming another kid is non serious. They think life is one large phantasy as seen in the media. Through force, kids are vastly affected in a negative mode. Violence is showed as an mundane matter in the life of the African American kid. The media pours changeless images of force, force that is seen by Black kids as? cool phantasy? . Black kids are so desensitize d to the force, which makes it easier for them to comprehend, therefore perpetrating violent offenses. This shows that the media representation of Blacks have a negative and damaging feeling on kids. Second, African American kids are underrepresented in the media. These kids have no self-images to associate to at a clip when images are imperative. Besides since they hold the media as their primary representation of their civilization. When African American kids are organizing positive or negative self-images, They are frequently left out of the image wholly. When they are included, they may be portrayed as incidental or stereotyped. White kids about ever see themselves, and black kids progressively see people who look like them, though frequently in uncomplimentary portraitures ( Los Angeles times, p.4 ) . African American kids wear? Ts have any images to look to in the media that can raise them up and authorise them as a group. Positive images that can authorise Black kids are real ly of import because kids are highly sensitive. Harmonizing to the Los Angeles Times, All kids are sensitive to what they watch on telecasting, whether the scheduling is intelligence or amusement. They draw decision. They believe, said the survey, that white characters are more likely to be rich, smart, and successful. They are leaders, physicians, and constabularies officers? neer amahs or janitors. Minority characters are more likely to be hapless, lazy, condemnable or Goofy. These early feelings affair, kids rapidly pick up stereotypes and unfairnesss ; they all recognize the read function theoretical accounts ( Los Angeles Times ) This is highly tragic for Black kids, to invariably see the group they identify with as lazy, hapless, and condemnable. The old quotation mark would be an illustration of? rational subjugation? ; Na? im Akbar asserts this involves the opprobrious usage of thoughts, labels and constructs geared toward the mental debasement of a people ( Karenga, 1993, p.450 ) . These images do nil but harm the Black kid? s self-esteem and aspiration to make anything productive. The same Black kid who is extremely waxy and vulnerable to what they view. How can the Black kid position him/herself in a positive mode when all he/she positions is negativity. Therefore, Black kids desire to be every bit close to who is depicted as strong, positive, and rich. In the media, this group is Caucasians. The experiment done by Kenneth Clarke ( Black Psychologist from the Traditional School ) in the instance of Brown V. The Board of Education supports this theory, since two-third of the kids preferred white dolls. Therefore Black kids are genuinely affected by the dominant images they see in the media. Black kids are at a point of about devaluating their colour and civilization. This is sad because Black kids have such a rich heritage, nevertheless, it is about neer showed to them in the media. This becomes damaging because Black kids hold the media as a primary beginning of information. This one time once more proves media representation of Blacks has a negative feeling on Black kids. The 3rd feeling, which African American kids perceive from the media, is African Americans are predestined to a life of poorness. The intelligence invariably disperses images of working aged Blacks depending on public assistance or Blacks being the primary users of public assistance. This research worker argues this is impossible since Blacks merely comprise of 12 % of the population. The intelligence neer fails with a narrative about a black single li fe in poorness. ? Newsweek publishing house 82 narratives on poorness and related subjects, an norm of about one narrative every 3 hebdomads. African Americans made up 62 per centum of the hapless people images in the narratives? ( Gilens, 1996, v60: 515-541 ) . Readers who view these articles don? Ts have another feeling other than the state? s poorness jobs are caused by African Americans. They believe Blacks are the cause of the job. Readers besides view Blacks as lazy, inefficient persons so they think why should they seek to help in the declaration of the state? s poorness job. Children besides view these images, they see and hear remarks, mentioning to their group as hapless, underclass, and doomed to a life of poorness. Hence, doing them dependants on the authorities. Weeknight intelligence shows on ABC, NBC, and CBS broadcast 534 narratives on poorness And related subjects, of which 50 narratives were indiscriminately selected for analysis. Of 1,100 Race-codable hapless peop le in these narratives, 65.2 per centum were black. ( Gilens ) There is an overrepresentation of Blacks in the media as poorness afflicted people. These images have a permanent negative consequence on Black kids. Where can these kids find some encouraging web that builds their self-esteem and pride in their civilization every bit good as their heritage? In this research workers sentiment the reply can be found in the Extremist School of Black Psychology. African American kids must turn to their parents/guardians for the support they need. Parents/guardians should let clip for lessons refering their heritage, civilization, and self worth. African American kids should no longer look to the media, weather it may be newspapers, wireless, telecasting, and films to learn or picture any image of their civilization. The Extremist School of Black Psychology agrees with the above statement. The Extremist School of Black Psychology believes? no entreaties should be made to Whites, this school directs their attending alternatively to Black people in footings of analysis intervention and transmutation? ( Karenga, Malilana, 1993, p.442 ) . Therefore the lone persons capable of learning African American kids about their civilization arising from a line of Kings and Queens are persons who concern themselves with the educational and societal upliftment of the African American kid. Merely single? s who believe in the African adage? it takes a small town to raise a kid? can truly teach African American kids about a civilization of Bolshevism alternatively of individuality. Collectivism is defined as seting the group? s involvement above oneself and individuality is defined, as keeping the persons needs primary. This research worker believes Europeans are an individualist civilization and have shown through the media their deficiency of concern of the Black Child. This is another country where the Radical School of Black Psychology gives a solution. Harmonizing to Bobby Wright, a Black Psychologist, Whites are sociopaths who lack concern or committedness except to their ain involvement. Wright besides believe Whites are? invariably in struggle with others, unable to see guilt, wholly selfish and indurate and has entire neglect for the rights of others? ( Karenga, 1993, 464 ) . Since the Radical School of Black Psychologist is concerned with the educational and societal upliftment of African American this research worker can boldly state the solution to the negative feelings the media leave on Black kids is with in this school as the theories it procedure. This school believes portion of the solution is supplying safe havens/shelters where Black kids can exert their logical thinking accomplishments. The Extremist School of Psychology demonstrates its belief in? it takes a small town to raise a kid? . The Extremist School demonstrates this by their belief in no entreaties being made to Whites and purely intervention and transmutation of Black people. Hence, t he ways in which African Americans are represented in the media have a negative feeling on African American kids. African American kids are bombarded by 1000000s of Acts of the Apostless of force, which desensitizes them to violence. This desensitisation hence makes it easier for African American kids to perpetrate random Acts of the Apostless of force. African American kids are besides faced with images of holding less value than Caucasic kids. African American kids about neer see themselves in a positive mode or neer at all. Thirdly Black kids invariably view and hear the cause of poorness is Blacks, who are lazy and worthless persons. Therefore, this research worker believes the small town that will help to raise our Black kids can be found in the Extremist School of Black Psychology. Their nonsubjective clearly demonstrates a combustion desire to help Black people. Hence, turning to their theories will help in doing the Black community a driving force in the upliftment of their kids. Bibliography Mentions? ? Black Love/Black History Issues? ( 1997, June ) Ebony Section: Letter to the Editor ; p. 18b? Feldman, Robert S. ( 1998 ) . Child Development Prentice Hall? Gieln, Martin ( 1996 ) . ? Pace and Poverty in America: Public Misperceptions and the American News Media? Public Opinion Quarterly Volume 60: 515-541? Karenga, Maulana ( 1993 ) Introduction to Black Studies The University of Sankore Press Los Angeles, California? Kinnon, Joy, B. ( 1999, January ) ? Why Children are Killing? Ebony Section ; Violence ; p. 126? ? The Power of Television Images? ( 1998, May ) Los Angles Times Section ; tube ; portion B ; p 4 ; Editorial Writers Desk
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Vietnam War Essays - Vietnam War, First Indochina War
The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a brutal war that affected millions of people in many different countries. All wars start because their is a difference in people's opinions, and the Vietnam War was no different. It started because France and a Vietnam leader, Ho Chi Minh, had a difference in opinion about the type of government Vietnam should have. To find out why the war broke out you will have to go back to the 1750's. This is where the French started their so called protectorate state of Vietnam. For many years the people of Vietnam protested but could not organize into a force powerful enough to resist the French. Then in 1946 a communist educated individual called Ho Chi Minh organized the people of North Vietnam and drove out the French rulers in a war that took eight years. During peace settlements in Geneva they allowed North and South Vietnam to become separate nations, divided on the 17th parallel. This was only to last for two years. After two years the two countries would then vote on a common leader and reunite the two countries once more. This never happened. South Vietnam was afraid that a Communist leader would be chosen and the nation would be in ruins. Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam opposing the canceled election began attacks on Southern Vietnam and remaining French officials to gain co! ntrol of South Vietnam. If North Vietnam was to begin their invasion of South Vietnam the Communist ruler Ho Chi Minh was sure to have complete control over the nation and spread his ideas of communism to neighboring countries. The United States thought that this should not happen so in 1965 the president ordered the bombing of North Vietnam and the landing of US troops in South Vietnam. This then caused North Vietnam to send regular units to the South. That therefore, cause more US troops to become involved. All of this kept building and building until it was a full scale war. The main reason that the Vietnam War broke out was that the old imperial France thought they could keep a so called protectorate state without giving them any freedom. Then a communist leader came along that united the people and took over in the name of freedom. The U.S. thought that if Vietnam became communist then neighboring countries would soon follow. They did not want communism to spread so they tried to stop it. Stop it by war and it did not work out like they thought it would.
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